


Well, Angus wiz maid up. Ee behltit haim an telt eez wiyf. Ir naim beh thi wiy, wiz Ena.
As tiym wehnt on, Ena bicaim a dab-hand it thi gairdinin gehm. Shi dun ah soarts o'johbz. Plantin, weedin, dayin thi books, seein ti thi custimirz, thi list wiz endless. Angus an Ena wurkt awa thigithir nay bahthir. Liyf in thi gairdin centir wiz brah, tull ai day, in wahkt thi haid lahd o'thi froot shop doon thi road. Ee wiz a riyt fleh-man, thit wehnt beh thi naim o' Jake thi snake. Ee turnt on thi pah'ir as sain as ee saw Ena.
'Howz mi wee darlin thi day?' ee askt Ena, in ain o' them moochin voices.
'If meh man wiz ti wahk in thi door riyt now an catch yoo speekin ti me liyk that, eed brak yir nehk!' saiz Ena, as politely meeninful as shi cood undir thi sircumstansiz.



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Dundonian for Beginners - Written by Mick McCluskey - Copyright © 1990-2005
The right of Mick McCluskey to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Illustrations by Belinda Langlands - Copyright © 1990-2005

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